
News of the year 2019
Queenly-Casa-Nova-Joep von der Burg Litermont
Paula-Eva von der Burg Litermont Youth-CH Russia, Latvija, Lithuania, Estonia and Baltic CH-Moskau, Finnland
- 07.12.2019, Helsiki (Fi), Nordic Show
- 08.12.2019, Helsinki (Fi), International Dog Show
✨ Paula-Eva at the age of 19 months
!! New Champion from Finland
Janusz von der Burg Litermont Pol-Jg-CH, INT-CH, Aus-CH, Australian-Grand-Champion 2016/2017/2018,
Successful exhibitions in December
- 01-Dec-2019, South Otago Kennel Ass [CH]
- 01-Dec-2019, South Otago Kennel Ass [CH]
Janusz von der Burg Litermont Pol-Jg-CH, INT-CH, Aus-CH, Australian-Grand-Champion 2016/2017/2018,
Successful exhibitions in November
- 30-Nov-2019, Otago/Southland Hound Club Show [CH]
- 30-Nov-2019, Southern Ladies Kennel Ass [CH]
- 30-Nov-2019, Southern Ladies Kennel Ass [CH]
- 24-Nov-2019, Waimate Kennel Society [CH]
- 23-Nov-2019, Waimate Kennel Society [CH]
- 17-Nov-2019, The South Island Hound Club [CH]
- 16-Nov-2019, Canterbury Kennel Association [CH]
- 15-Nov-2019, Canterbury Kennel Association [CH]
- 10-Nov-2019, South Canterbury Kennel Society [CH]
- 09-Nov-2019, South Canterbury Kennel Society [CH]
- 04-Nov-2019, Southland Kennel Association [CH
- 03-Nov-2019, Southland Kennel Association [CH]
- 02-Nov-2019, Southland Kennel Association [CH]
Queenly-Casa-Nova-Joep von der Burg Litermont
Joep sniffed exhibition air.
At the first exhibition he showed what he had learned.
- 03.11.2019, Bleiswijk (NL)
Janusz von der Burg Litermont Pol-Jg-CH, INT-CH, Aus-CH, Australian-Grand-Champion 2016/2017/2018,
Successful exhibitions in October
- 27-Oct-2019, Waimakariri Kennel Association [CH]
- 26-Oct-2019, Waimakariri Kennel Association [CH]
- 26-Oct-2019, Waimakariri Kennel Association [CH]
- 05-Oct-2019, Nation Dog Show [CH]
- 04-Oct-2019, The South Island Hound Club [CH]
Paula-Eva von der Burg Litermont Youth-CH Russia, Latvija, Lithuania, Estonia and Baltic CH- Moskau
2019-10-06, Moscow, Russia
- ✨ Paula-Eva at the age of 19 months
!! New Champion from Russia
2019 in October, Photo shoot with Marta and Eva
Paula-Eva von der Burg Litermont Youth-CH Russia, Latvija, Lithuania, Estonia and Baltic,
2019-09-07, Estland - Tallinn
- ✨ New Junior-CH, Estonia Champion !!!
✨Nes Junior-CH, Baltic Champion
Janusz von der Burg Litermont Pol-Jg-CH, INT-CH, Aus-CH, Australian-Grand-Champion 2016/2017/2018,
After the winter break Janusz started
with great successes in the new season.
- 18-Aug-2019, Black Hawk Forrester Park Exhibition [CH]
- 17-Aug-2019, Black Hawk Forrester Park Exhibition [CH]
- 11-Aug-2019, Canterbury Kennel Association [CH]
- 10-Aug-2019, Black Hawk Forrester Park Exhibition [CH]
- 10-Aug-2019, Canterbury Kennel Association [CH]
Paula-Eva von der Burg Litermont Jg-CH RUS, Jg-CH Latvija, Jg-CH Lithuania
The thirt title from Paula-Eva.
This is the third Youth-CH title in 2019.
- 2019-08-02, Druskinal in Lithuania
Khiara von der Burg Litermont
On the following sites can you find puppy-pictures.
- Portraits of each single puppy in the age of 22 days.
- Portraits of each single puppy in the age of 6 weeks.
- First day
- The first and second week
- The thirth and fourth week
- The fifth and sixth week and visit from Ciska
- The seventh and eighth week and visit from Ciska and Kees
- Own pages of every single puppy Click on the name.
- The puppies are born. 7 males and 6 females.
- The ultrasound was positiv. Khiara is pregnat.
- Khiara has had mating with CASA NOVA CURA Pollux Ayoola
Paula-Eva von der Burg Litermont Jg-CH Russia, Jg-CH Latvija
Paula-Eva has got the next title, Youth-Champion of Latvija.
- 2019-06-09, Riga
- 2019-06-08, Riga
Jg-CH RUS, Paula-Eva von der Burg Litermont
- May-2019, Paula-Eva has passed the herding dog excam in the age of 14 month.
Janusz von der Burg Litermont Pol-Jg-CH, INT-CH, Aus-CH, Australian-Grand-Champion 2016/2017/2018,
is the
No. 1 Rhodesian Ridgeback
Show Dog of the Year Competition
South Island, New Zealand
Dogz Online Pointscore 2018
Successful exibitions
in May
- 26-May-2019, The South Island Hound Club Inc [CH]
- 19-May-2019, Marlborough Kennel Association [CH]
- 18-May-2019, Marlborough Kennel Association [CH]
- 18-May-2019, Marlborough Kennel Association Pm [CH]
- 05-May-2019, Ellesmere A&P Society Autumn Show [CH]
- 04-May-2019, Ellesmere A&P Society Autumn All Breed S [CH]
Successful exibitions in April
- 22-Apr-2019, MacKenzie Country A & P Society [CH
- 20-Apr-2019, Autumn Spectacular Championship [CH]
- 20-Apr-2019, Autumn Spectacular Championship Pm [CH]
- 19-Apr-2019, Autumn Spectacular Championship [CH]
- 07-Apr-2019, Otago Kennel Association [CH]
- 06-Apr-2019, Otago Kennel Association [CH

Paula-Eva von der Burg Litermont Jg-CH Russia
- 07.05.2019, Paula received the certificate Youth Champion of Russia from the Association.
Successful exibitions in March
- 17.03.2019, Kosogorsk
- 24.03.2019, Moscow
- 24.03.2019, Moscow

INT- CH, Australian-Grand-Champion 2016/2017, Pol-Jg-CH Janusz von der Burg Litermont
Successful exibitions in March
- 31-Mar-2019, Geraldine County Kennel Ass [CH]
- 30-Mar-2019, Geraldine County Kennel Ass [CH]
- 10-Mar-2019, North Otago Kennel Association [CH]
- 09-Mar-2019, North Otago Kennel Association [CH]
Successful exibitions in February
- 24-Feb-2019, Ashburton Kennel Association [CH]
- 23-Feb-2019, Ashburton Kennel Association [CH]
- 17-Feb-2019, Black Hawk Forrester Park [CH]
- 16-Feb-2019, Waikouaiti Kennel Association [CH]
- 16-Feb-2019, Waikouaiti Kennel Association [CH]
- 03-Feb-2019, Gore and District Kennel Ass [CH]
- 02-Feb-2019, Gore and District Kennel Ass [CH]
Successful exibitions in January
- 26-Jan-2019, Nelson District Kennel Ass [CH
- 26-Jan-2019, Nelson District Kennel Ass [CH]