Gismo von der Burg Litermont

Many thanks for the beautiful pictures, which I have got from his owner.

Gismo von der Burg Litermont
In the age of 7,5 years.
He always enchants the family and their friends when they come to visit. He is Mum's shadow.
This is true friendship of two who love each other.

Gismo von der Burg Litermont
at the age of 9.5 years.
Gismo with his great love.
A heart and a soul.

Companion dog examination in Bad Soden.
Gismo has passed the companion dog examination at the sheepdog club in Bad Soden.
Only 4 from 12 dogs has passed this examination.
Gismo was the only Rhodesian Ridgeback
Club Show at the club ELSA in Bad Wildungen.
Gismo on his first show at the club ELSA in Bad Wildungen.
He has done a fantastic work.
We are very proud of both.