Janusz von der Burg Litermont
AUS-Grand-CH, AUS-CH, NZ-CH, Pol-Jg-CH

Congratulations to the winning team.
NZ-CH, AUS-CH, Pol-Jg-CH, Janusz von der Burg Litermont

In the following table you can find
all the successes from

Show results in:

Grandiose exhibition results
Arkadius and Janusz
in the year 2020
Exhibition results in the month February |
- 29-Feb-2020, Best Open in Group, Best of Breed, Challenge, Best Open of Breed Canterbury Ladies Kennel Ass [CH] (Judge was V. Carter ( Australia ))
- 23-Feb-2020, Runner- Up Best of Breed, Best Open of Breed Ashburton Kennel Ass [CH] (Judge was S. Brown ( Australia))
- 22-Feb-2020, Best of Breed, Chalenge, Best Open of Breed Ashburton Kennel Ass [CH] (Judge was L. McVicker ( Australia ))
- 16-Feb-2020, Best of Breed, Challenge, Best Open of Breed Waikouaiti Kennel Association [CH] (Judge was G. Missen ( Australia))
- 15-Feb-2020, Runner-Up Best of Breed Waikouaiti Kennel Association [CH] (Judge was K. Simmons ( NZ ))
- 15-Feb-2020, Best Open Exhibit in Group, Best of Breed, Challenge, Best Open of Breed Waikouaiti Kennel Association [CH] (Judge was A. Fry ( Australia))
- 1-Feb-2020, Best of Breed, Challenge, Best Open of Breed Gore and Districts Kennels Ass [CH] (Judge was S. Mills ( Australia))
- 1-Feb-2020, Best of Breed, Challenge, Best Open of Breed Gore and Districts Kennel Ass [CH] (Judge was J. Weekes ( Australia))

Arkadiusz and Janusz an unbeatable team.
After a successful year 2019
Arkadiusz and Janusz did it again.
They successfully defended their title in 2019
and Jansuz ist the
No. 1 Rhodesian Ridgeback Show Dog of the Year in New Zealand
A big thank you to Arkadiusz.
I want to thank Arkadiusz for this incredible performence.
Every year he presents Janusz at countless exhibitions with great commitment and perfection.
Not to mention that he gives Janusz a wonderful dog life.
Because not only exhibitions are the life of the dog.
Of course, there are long walks that offer everything that makes a dog's heart beat faster.
Thanks again. I am very proud of both.

Exhibition results in the month January |
- 26-Jan-2020, Best of Breed, Challenge, Best Open of Breed Nelson District Kennel Ass [CH] (Judge was T. Achariyawan ( Thailand ))
- 25-Jan-2020, Best of Breed, Chalenge, Best Open of Breed Nelson District Kennel Ass [CH] (Judge was T. Udenberg ( Canada ))
- 25-Jan-2020, Best of Breed, Chalenge, Best Open of Breed