Janusz von der Burg Litermont
AUS-Grand-CH, AUS-CH, NZ-CH, Pol-Jg-CH

Congratulations to the winning team.
NZ-CH, AUS-CH, Pol-Jg-CH, Janusz von der Burg Litermont

In the following table you can find
all the successes from

Show results in:

Grandiose exhibition results
Arkadius and Janusz
in the year 2019
Exhibition results in the month December. |
The final spurt in December has begun.
We keep our fingers crossed that Janusz will finish
the year 2019 successfully.
- 01-Dec-2019 Best of Breed, Challenge, Best Open of Breed South Otago Kennel Ass [CH] (Judge was D. Harbin ( Australia))
- 01-Dec-2019 Best of Breed, Challenge, Best Open of Breed South Otago Kennel Ass [CH] (Judge was J. Green ( New Zealand))
Exhibition results in the month November. |
Janusz has made it again.
Granddiose dogshow results.
- 30-Nov-2019 Best of Breed, Challenge, Best Open of Breed Otago/Southland Hound Club Show [CH] (Judge was F. McEvoy ( Australia))
- 30-Nov-2019 Best of Breed, Challenge, Best Open of Breed Southern Ladies Kennel Ass [CH] (Judge was S. Phagan ( Australia))
- 30-Nov-2019 Best of Breed, Challenge, Best Open of Breed Southern Ladies Kennel Ass [CH] (Judge was R. Harbin ( Australia))
- 24-Nov-2019 Best of Breed, Challenge, Best Open of Breed Waimate Kennel Society [CH] (Judge was L. Dorr (Australia))
- 23-Nov-2019 Best Open Exhibit in Group, Best of Breed, Challenge, Best Open of Breed Waimate Kennel Society [CH] (Judge was H. Weill (Australia))
- 17-Nov-2019 Best of Breed, Challenge, Best Open of Breed The South Island Hound Club [CH] (Judge was Sir M. Mannucci (Italy ))
- 16-Nov-2019 Runner-Up Best of Breed Canterbury Kennel Association [CH] (Judge was J. Colbourn (Canada))
- 15-Nov-2019 Best of Breed, Challenge, Best Open of Breed Canterbury Kennel Association [CH] (Judge was J. Sheppard (Australia))
- 10-Nov-2019 Best Open Exhibit in Group, Best of Breed, Challenge Best Open of Breed South Canterbury Kennel Society [CH] (Judge was G. Salud (Philippines))
- 9-Nov-2019 Best of Breed, Challenge, Best Open of Breed South Canterbury Kennel Society [CH] (Judge was S. SIM ( Philippines))
- 4-Nov-2019, Runner-Up Best of Breed Southland Kennel Association [CH] (Judge was S. Alexander (Canada ))
- 3-Nov-2019, Runner-Up Best Exhibit in Group, Best Open in Group, Best of Breed Southland Kennel Association [CH] (Judge was J. Brooker ( NZ ))
- 2-Nov-2019, Runner-Up Best Exhibit in Group, Best Open in Group, Best of Breed Southland Kennel Association [CH] (Judge was T. Alexander (Canada ))
Exhibition results in the month October. |
Janusz and Arkadiusz are unbeatable.
27-Oct-2019, Best of Breed, Challenge, Best Open of Breed
Waimakariri Kennel Association [CH] (Judge was R. Easton ( Australia))
26-Oct-2019, Best of Breed, Challenge, Best Open of Breed
Waimakariri Kennel Association [CH] (Judge was M. Powley ( Australia))
26-Oct-2019, Runner-Up Best of Breed
Waimakariri Kennel Association [CH] (Judge was M. Watson ( Australia))
- 4-Oct-2019 Best of Breed, Challenge, Best Open of Breed The South Island Hound Club [CH] (Judge was M. Wood ( Canada))
Exhibition results in the month August. |
After the winter break Janusz started
with great successes in the new season.
Congratulations to these great successes.
- 18-Aug-2019, Best of Breed, Challenge, Best Open of Breed Black Hawk Forrester Park Exhibition [CH] (Judge was R. Besoff ( Australia))
- 17-Aug-2019, Best of Breed, Challenge, Best Open of Breed Black Hawk Forrester Park Exhibition [CH] (Judge was L. Bradney ( Australia))
- 11-Aug-2019, Runner-Up Best Exhibit in Group, Best Open in Group, Best of Breed, Challenge Canterbury Kennel Association [CH] (Judge was R. Wall ( Australia))
- 10-Aug-2019, Best Exhibit in Group, Best Open of Group, Best of Breed, Challenge, Open of Breed Black Hawk Forrester Park Exhibition [CH] (Judge was D. Besoff ( Australia))
- 10-Aug-2019, Best Open of Breed Canterbury Kennel Association [CH] (Judge was R. Weaver ( New Zealand))
Exhibition results in the month May. |
26-May-2019, Best of Breed, Challenge, Best Open of Breed
The South Island Hound Club Inc [CH] (Judge: J. Bryson ( Australia))
- 19-May-2019, Runner-Up Best of Breed, Best Open of Breed Marlborough Kennel Association [CH] (Judge was J. Palmer ( Australia))
- 18-May-2019, Best of Breed, Challenge, Best Open of Breed Marlborough Kennel Association [CH] (Judge was J. Marshall ( Australia))
- 18-May-2019, Best of Breed, Challenge, Best Open of Breed Marlborough Kennel Association Pm [CH] (Judge was S. Marshall ( Australia))
- 05-May-2019, Best of Breed, Challenge, Best Open of Breed Ellesmere A&P Society Autumn Show [CH] (Judge was R. Spencer (Australia))
- 04-May-2019, Best of Breed, Challenge, Best Open of Breed Ellesmere A&P Society Autumn All Breed S [CH] (Jdg was R.Duffy(Australia))

A great performence!
Janusz von der Burg Litermont
is in the years 2016/2017/2018, the
No. 1 Rhodesian Ridgeback
how dog of the year competition
Soth Island, New Zealand.
-------------------------------------------------- ---------
Today I receive the document from the year 2018.
Congratulations to Arkadiusz and Janusz.
The two are an unbeatable team.
I want to thank Arkadiusz for this incredible performence.
Every year he presents Janusz at countless exhibitions with great commitment and perfection.
Not to mention that he gives Janusz a wonderful dog life.
Because not only exhibitions are the life of the dog.
Of course, there are long walks that offer everything that makes a dog's heart beat faster.
Thanks again. I am very proud of both.

Exhibition results in the month April |
Arkadiusz and Janusz had fantastic results and
a lot of fun over the Easter weekend.
We are very proud of the two
and continue to wish good luck and success.
- 22-Apr-2019, Best Open Exhibit in Group, Best of Breed, Challenge, Best Open of Breed MacKenzie Country A & P Society [CH] (Judge was J. Hocking ( Australia))
- 20-Apr-2019, Best Open Exhibit in Group, Best of Breed, Challenge, Best Open of Breed Autumn Spectacular Championship [CH] (Judge was R. Brown ( Australia))
- 20-Apr-2019, Best Exhibit in Group, Best Open in Group, Best of Breed, Challenge Autumn Spectacular Championship Pm [CH] (Judge was R. Williams ( Australia))
- 19-Apr-2019, Runner-Up Best of Breed Autumn Spectacular Championship [CH] (Judge was J. Daidone ( Australia))
- 7-Apr-2019, Runner-Up Best Exhibit in Group, Best Open in Group, Best of Breed Otago Kennel Association [CH] (Judge was D. Swartwood ( Canada ))
- 6-Apr-2019, Best of Breed, Challenge, Best Open of Breed Otago Kennel Association [CH] (Judge was T. Nesbit ( Canada ))
Exhibition results in the month March |
- 31-Mar-2019, Best of Breed, Challenge, Best Open of Breed Geraldine County Kennel Ass [CH] (Judge was K. King ( Australia))
- 30-Mar-2019, Best of Breed, Challenge, Best Open of Breed Geraldine County Kennel Ass [CH] (Judge was G. Whifield ( NZ ))
- 10-Mar-2019, Runner-Up Best Exhibit in Group, Best of Breed, Challenge, Best Open of Breed North Otago Kennel Association [CH] (Judge was C. Ellis ( Tasmania))
- 09-Mar-2019, Best of Breed, Challenge, Best Open of Breed North Otago Kennel Association [CH] (Judge was M. Morse ( Australia))

Exhibition results in the month February |
- 24-Feb-2019, Runner Up Best Exhibit in Group, Best Open in Group, Best of Breed Ashburton Kennel Association [CH] (Judge was C. Trevelyan ( New Zealand))
- 23-Feb-2019, Best Exhibit in Group, Open in Group, Best of Breed Ashburton Kennel Association [CH] (Judge was C. Scotton ( Australia))
- 17-Feb-2019, Runner-Up Best Exhibit in Group ( Group 2 ), Best Open in Group, Best of Breed Black Hawk Forrester Park [CH] (Judge was L. Black ( Australia))
- 16-Feb-2019, Best of Breed, Challenge, Best Open of Breed Waikouaiti Kennel Association [CH] (Judge was S. Meredith ( NZ ))
- 16-Feb-2019, Runner-Up Best of Breed, Best Open of Breed Waikouaiti Kennel Association [CH] (Judge was J. Black ( Australia))
- 03-Feb-2019, Best of Breed, Challenge, Best Open of Breed Gore and District Kennel Ass [CH] (Judge was P. Campbell ( Australia))
- 02-Feb-2019, Runner- Up Best of Breed, Best Open of Breed Gore and District Kennel Ass [CH] (Judge was Ch. Chantarasmee ( Thailand))
Exhibition results in the month January |
- 26-Jan-2019, Best of Breed, Challenge, Best Open of Breed Nelson District Kennel Ass [CH] (Judge was Y. Tuteja ( India ))
- 26-Jan-2019, Runner-Up Best of Breed Nelson District Kennel Ass [CH] (Judge was L. Meng ( China )