Odin-Axim von der Burg Litermont
Portraits at the age of 4 and 7 weeks.
Pictures from the first 8 weeks.
Pictures from the puppies n their new at home.
Thanks to the owner for the photos.

Jüren and axim
Dream Team
Already in autumn 2017,
the two went to the dog schoole southwest to Kirrberg.
The training for Axim began.
It was completely uncharted territory for him.
A tireless training bears fruit.

Basic education cours
2018-03-17 – 2018-05-12
A diligent training bears fruit.
The exam was on 12.05.2018.
Jürgen and Axim successfully passed the exam.
Jürgen could proudly accept the certificate.
With vigor we continue to the next course.

Advanced course
04.08.2018 - 22.09.2018
The exam was on 22.09.2018.
The already well-rehearsed team mastered the exam without any problems.
The certificate was handed over to Jürgen.

Relaxing and recovering
after work.
Sovereign and without
any problems
went Axim on a boat trip.
They had a nice weekend.
Power and energy gain for the next course.