Queenly-Casa-Nova-Joep von der Burg Litermont

Portraits in the age of 22 days and 6 weeks.
Pictures from the first 8 weeks and the puppy breeding.
Pictures in her new home.
Many thanks to the owners for the photos.
Pictures of Queenly-Casa-Nova-Joep from May 2020.
Many thanks to Kees Gravendeel for the photos.
Pictures of Queenly-Casa-Nova-Joep from September 2020.
Many thanks to Kees Gravendeel for the photos.
Pictures of Queenly-Casa-Nova-Joep from September 2021.
Many thanks to Kees Gravendeel for the photos.
von der Burg Litermont
was tested for the genetic variant of the QIL1 gene, which is associated with a heart disease called
ventricular arrhythmia (IVA).
Joep is IVA-free

Dhr. Wauben (NL)
1. Excellent
Res. Best Male

CAC/CACIB Maastricht (NL)
Mevr. O. Nevo (ISR)
CAC/CACIB Maastricht (NL)
Mevr. J. Ramvad (DEN)
1. Excellent
Best Male, BOS

Dhr. A. Mracevic (ME)
1. Excellent
Best Male, BOS,
Crufts Qualifikation

Zwolle - Outdoor II on September 5th, 2021
Joep started as the youngest in the open class and showed himself from his best side.
As usual, Ciska introduced Joep professionally.
Joep received a
2nd excellent, Res-CAC and the 1st point for CH-NL
and also many compliments from judge Mr. Wim Wellens. It would be a wonderful performance from such a young male.

Ciska and Joep drove to Belgium for the dog show on 08/21/2021.
Joep started in the open class.
It was very well prepared by Ciska, presented professionally and
judged by Mr. Theo Leenen.
After the V 1 and CAC, both fought for the CACIB.
The joy was huge when Joep received the CACIB.
The tension increased and after the jump-off, Joep was awarded the BOB.
Joep is now BRABO Winner 2021.
Now it was time for the main ring.
Now both did their best and Joep got the place BIG-3.
My warmest congratulations to the winning team for this great achievement.

Dog Show Anwerpen, Belgien
Theo Leenen (B)
Bob und BiG-3

Congratulations to Ciska and Joep
On May 15th, 2021 there was an exhibition at the Club RRCN.
After a long break, Joep started at the show at the club RRCN.
He did not forget anything, did his best and received
an excellent report with the comment:
"What a wonderful social Ridgeback, so easy to lead with excellent ring behavior."
Joep, now has all the requirements that a stud dog needs
and can be used for breeding now.

Congratulations to Ciska and Joep
Due to the corona pandemic, all exhibitions have been canceled since March 1, 2020.
On July 12, 2020 there was a nice, small exhibition in Belgium only for the youth and veteran class. This was outdoors, with very strict
adherence to the rules of the RIVM.
Among other things, this means: No audience, no canteen, wear a mouth mask and keep a distance of 1.5 m as far as possible.
Ciska thought it was an exercise for Joep and registered him for this exhibition.
Joep started in youth class.
Ciska showed Joep professionally and Joep showed his best side.
Both did a great job and were rewarded with a great result.
12.07.2020, Gent (BE), Richter: Dhr.J.P.Achtergael (BE)
Jugend-Klasse, V1, JCAC, Bester Junghund, BOB

2020-07-04, Breeding approval day at the RRCN.
Today Joep was allowed to participate in the RRCN breeding approval day.
This day was organized because dog shows are not allowed during this corona period.
He was the youngest to enter the ring. Ciska showed Joep. He convinced the judges with his character and his physical
Both judges were very happy with Joep, agreed completely and gave him a rating of 1 excellent
got the breeding license
2020-07-04, RRCN approval day,
Judge: Dhr.R.Smits (NL)
Rating of test: Excellent
2020-07-04, RRCN approval day,
Judge: Mev.G.Halff-van Boven (NL)
Rating of test: Excellent

Ciska and Joep drove to Venray naer Eindhoven for the exhibition.
Joep was introduced professionally by Ciska.
I am very proud of both, because they were able to drive home
with an excellent result and judge report.
2020-02-08, CAC/CACIB Eindhoven (NL), Richter: Dhr.R.Doedijins (NL) Puppy class, 1 VV and BOB-Puppy

Queenly-Casa-Nova-Joep started at the
Kerst winning show / Christmas winning show.
22.12.2019, Evenementenhal Gorinchem, Richter: Mev.N.Horsten-Ceustermanns (NL)
Baby class, 1 VV and BOS-Puppy
Skilfully performed by Ciska, Joep mastered his second show with flying colors.

First exhibition for
03.11.2019, CAC/CACIB Bleiswijk (NL), Richter: Dhr. H. Boelaars (NL) Baby class, 1 VV, BOS Baby After getting used to the noise in the hall, Joep quickly felt well. He was relaxed in the ring, showed what he had learned and was rewarded with a nice judge's report and received his first VV 1.